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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Airdroid, Transfer Data without Data cable

Many times there comes a time when you want to transfer some data to or from your Android device (Phone/Tablet) but you can't get or don't want to plug the data cables.
Well now you don't have, in comes Airdroid.

All you need is a WiFi connection, a PC, and an Android device.
Download the App from Google Play Store, follow the instructions, drop the data cables to collect dust. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Download Link:

Sunday, February 9, 2014


It's great when you learn new stuff, even better if you find it useful :D.
So I was checking videos on YouTube and found a rather interesting video about DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) uploaded by Geekyranjit (Ranjit Kumar).

I said yeah, let's try and get it working. I already had xbmc installed on my System (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), went ahead and looked for Apps for my Lumia 520 and Nexus 7 (2012), found 'Nokia Play to' and 'BubbleUPnP UPnP/DLNA' for the respective platforms, and voila, Awesome Experience, Masha'Allah!

Made a quick video so that others can also come to know and use it. Hope you all like it and do share it with others if you found it useful.

P.S: I used xbmc on Ubuntu (Linux) but it works on multiple ecosystems so you should be able to use it with ease.

DLNA explanation:
Nokia Play to: