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Thursday, March 28, 2013

ClamTk Virus Scanner- Simple, Straightforward, Works

We all know that Linux doesn't need an antivirus software(in the Windows sense), one of the many reason why we just love Linux :-), but for people who do have an interaction with M$ Operating Systems, or if you have to make sure that a particular data is virus free, ClamTk works extremely well. 

It is a lightweight software, simple to use, and fast.

First install the software: , then check for updates, you can also use the command "sudo freshclam" to update, then download the latest ClamTk from here , and install it.

Note that ClamTk is available for other distributions also, I even installed it on my Knoppix persistent live USB(the process remains the same as Knoppix is Debian based, the only thing different was that I had to install the GDebi Package Installer to install the latest deb file).

The ClamTk website:
Ubuntu ClamAV Documentation:
My recent encounter with the viruses:

If you find this post useful, do share it with others. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Unity Tweak Tool

On Ubuntu 12.10 or 13.04, do check this software, it's the best tool to configure Unity in my humble opinion

All the necessary instructions are in the YouTube description box, great work Freyja Development Team. If you find this post useful, do share it with others. 

Copy - The new Cloud Storage Service in town

Computer users have many options when it comes to Cloud based storage services, Enter Copy. 

First of all, I found the company logo to be especially well crafted and beautiful, and I found the same to be true for the rest of my experience with Copy. 
There is a great sense of style and simplicity whether it is the WebUI, Desktop client or the Android app yet functionality hasn't been compromised for it.

Copy is cross platform(Linux,Android,MacOS,iOS,Windows), I personally tried it on Elementary Luna, Ubuntu 13.04, my low end(Samsung Galaxy Y) Android cellphone and found it to be working nicely.  

The best part, if you signup now using this link you will get 10GB Free space instead of the default 5GB(It is an introductory offer and not sure how long it will last so hurry up).

Installation of the Linux Desktop Client is quite easy, just download the copy.tgz from , extract it, depending on your operating system execute the CopyAgent from the x86(32Bit) or x86_64(64Bit) folder. Done as the rest is pretty simple.

If you find this post useful, do share it with others.

Monday, March 11, 2013

LibreOffice KDE Integration & Personas

LibreOffice works well and keeps on getting better with every release, you can check my previous article for an extradordinary example. 
LibreOffice can look out of place on KDE though(as was the case in my previous video) but don't worry, just install a package "libreoffice-kde" and it looks at home. You can install this package from your Package Manager of choice(Synaptic/Muon) or simply run sudo apt-get install libreoffice-kde in a terminal. 

For Personas, you must have the latest LibreOffice 4.0.1 installed.  Visit the Personas website here and open a Persona that you prefer and the copy the page's URL(Address). Now launch Libreoffice, goto Tools then Options then LibreOffice then Personalization. Check 'Own Persona' and click on 'Select Persona', enter the URL that you copied into the Persona Address box, click Ok. Done. 
The Persona that I used in the video is this.

Friday, March 8, 2013

LibreOffice Impress Remote- It will Impress you.

FOSS leads innovation in many spheres and makes our life easy, one new thing in our arsenal is the LibreOffice Impress Remote. It's a free presentation remote control Android app for LibreOffice!
The LibreOffice team recently released the latest version 4.0.1 which is feature packed and covers the office suite needs of most users, plus they gave us this gem of an app for Android devices, it has features such as slide previews, speaker notes, slides grid view, and more. 

For the remote control app to function, you must have the latest LibreOffice installed. Windows and Mac users can get it from here. For the Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distro user, I recommend that you add the stable PPA. Run the following commands in the Terminal,
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then launch the software updater/update manager and upgrade your system, in case you don't have LibreOffice installed, install it from the Software Center.

Next download the LibreOffice Impress Remote Android app from the Google Play Store
Now watch the video below and get the app working in no time. 

Note that it is recommended to enable bluetooth on your Android device first before launching the app, and you must have a presentation running before you connect your Android device with the Computer. Enjoy and consider contributing to LibreOffice for their efforts.